Damn Glad To Be Here…Yin-Cloudy, Yang-Bright


I’ve thought about the quote “I’m Damn Glad to Be Here” many times in my life for different reasons. I’m sure there are those of you who totally get what I’m talking about. There’s the reason to feel glad because you’ve escaped the bad or realize how much worse things could be…the understanding of the “relativity of life”. Then there’s the other side ...

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It’s that time of year. It’s National Brain Tumor Awareness Day!

I haven’t blogged in a while. I’ve been busy creating a Transformational Coaching business; please check that out if you have the opportunity, lifecoaching-matters.com. Life Coaching Matters is for all those who are going or have recently gone through some kind of major life transition…most of us know what that’s about. My becoming an accredited life coach was greatly influenced by not only all my own life experiences over these last twenty plus years, but all the people I’ve ...

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Happy Year!!!

happyroadIt’s been quite a while since I’ve blogged, but I have been quite busy writing, researching and becoming a certified Life Coach.  In just a couple of weeks I will launch Life Coaching Matters, which is about re-empowering those who have survived.

That feeling of being filled with power means a great deal to most of us…it may come to mean ...

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DovetailNYC Flies

It’s the day after Brain Matters most recent fundraiser, the day of Cinco de Mayo.  Today is my daughter Rachel’s 17th birthday; to those of you who follow my personal Facebook page you may have already seen that posting.  She’s driving today, seems like only a few years ago, she was driving a different kind of vehicle. I’ve said it before, but it’s always worth repeating…so glad to be here.  Glad to be here to see my kids growing up, ...

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Life and the pursuit of happiness…what I want to do when I grow up

Are you a cancer survivor?  If you are, then you’ll get what I mean.

Public health experts seem to point out that overall rates of death from cancer haven’t budged, and that some cancers are of course a lot more survivable than others. Granted brain cancer isn’t one of those more survivable kinds of cancers, that’s why I keep doing what I can for that cause.  However, there’s light in this big dark tunnel.  More so than ever, a diagnosis of ...

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That 1st Anniversary Fundraising Thank you, plus video

Oh what a year to fundraise?  Every year for brain tumor awareness and the need for more research for the cause is a year to raise funds, but this year besides the other usual necessary needy causes out there in the world, the bar was also raised by the 2012 Election.  It’s always fun to incorporate some “perks” into a fundraiser, so I reached out to my friends and my “connections”, and they helped me incorporate some fun.  Thank you ...

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Loss is relative

“The participant’s perspectives are clouded while the bystander’s views are clear.” -Chinese Proverb

Loss is familiar, loss is current, recently near where I live due to Storm Sandy people lost their power, people lost their trees, people lost their furniture, people lost their pictures, their blankets, their memorabilia.  Kids lost their toys, their bicycles.  Many pets have been displaced and some have been lost…lost forever.  People have died.  The incredible relativity of life.  We lose our money, we lose ...

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“Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it”

I was just at Mass. General for my annual check-up, and after what has been a tumultuous couple of months, filled with speculation that an ear infection that may have been something much worse, I found out I had no tumor growth since last year.  This is great news for me. This is news my husband and I hope to hear as we get our things together, leave our instructions for our pets, tell our kids what to do, and ...

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Some Things Are Just Too Long to Tweet About

Maybe it’s just because I’m not as impervious as I should be…as I need to be…as I usually am because these past few weeks I’ve been dealing with an earache, not just any earache-of course not.  If there’s anything I seem to have a knack for, it seems to be not getting the usual run of the mill physical ailments.  I get the unusual ailments.  This earache is due apparently to an infection in the bone of my ear, this ...

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