The Days We’ll Always Remember

Almost all of us remember our birthdays, some us at a certain age forget when they are, some of us at a certain age want to forget when they are, some of us because of a certain kind of forgetfulness, forget when they are, but most of us…remember our birthdays, and we like it when other people remember them…most of us like that.  We remember other days too…those days are different for every one of us, although we share some ...

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Is There Anyone Else Out There?

When I was first diagnosed with a brain tumor over 21 years ago, it wasn’t something I had heard a lot about.  Generally, if you heard about someone else you knew being diagnosed with a brain tumor, it wasn’t something you heard much more about afterwards because that person wasn’t given much of a positive outcome, and didn’t live much beyond your hearing this dreadful news.  As a patient, it was quite like this “we’re sorry to have to tell ...

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Time flies when you’re having…well, time flies!

A few weeks ago, Chris Collora from in my hometown of Port Washington, NY, called to do a follow up story on the Walking Miles 4 Brain Matters. I have to put a shout out to Chris and Patch, they’ve been very supportive to Brain Matters, and to all that we’re trying to do to raise awareness for the cause.  I met Chris around this time last year, which was several months before the walk started in October. I ...

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Often Things Can Seem Like One Thing, But Turn Out to be Something Else…Something Better

Truly it can be in the way one chooses to look at things.  I recently had the intention of participating in a local Brain Tumor Support Group, I instead sauntered in to the Aneurysm Support Group-I had no idea that this was the case until after I had spent a significant amount of time at the group.  I arrived on time, but when I arrived the group was already seated and had already started talking…it was a group of about ...

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The Strength of Words

I just had a moment, more than a moment, a weekend really, where I thought I had lost my blog.  This blog is a compilation of stories and thoughts that I’ve written over the last four years…four very intense, life changing years.  I have of course saved most of these stories-these words, but the thought of them no longer being out there for other people to read if they wanted to read them made me feel as though part of ...

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On the lighter side of things…A New York kind of story

I haven’t blogged in a while, but this seemed like a story worth writing about…there are just those moments that you feel should be committed to paper…or whatever it’s called that we’re writing on these days that seems paper-like.

I was meeting my friend Lisa for lunch a couple of days ago, she and I have known each other for close to twenty-five years.  She and I knew each other before I had my first daughter, before I was diagnosed with ...

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Some things can’t be expressed on film or video blog. Some things you have to write down.

When I was speaking at Fairfield Ludlowe High School yesterday one of the students asked me how I thought what I’ve been through had changed me?  This of course is a huge question.  It would take almost an entire class to answer just this question.  But I think if I had had the time to think about it beforehand, the way I’ve had since he asked, I would say that it has given me the understanding of the power of ...

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An Amazing Indiegogo Thank-You

As of today I have walked three days and covered approximately 30 miles. I’m not actually walking today, this is what I call a “DOWN DAY”, a day I don’t walk.  It will be a day I do other things and I may walk some on these days, but I won’t walk multiple miles. This is the first day in a while I’ve had the time to extend the Thank-Yous to those that donated on the Indiegogo fundraising site that ...

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Many Thank Yous’ to Come

Hi Everyone, I’ve just completed my first day of walking, I’m a bit tired, but feel better than I was expecting to feel.  I’ll be vlogging later under the FILM section of the website, please check that out-I’ll be trying to do that every day, or as often as my energy or internet service along the route will allow.  I intend to blog again shortly to thank everyone who donated through the indiegogo fundraising website who helped Brain Matters not ...

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You Must Row With The Oars You Have

This walk is about so many things for me…

It is about what I’ll be able to give to others…and to a cause that I know needs more funding…and that not many other people either know about unless they themselves or someone in their family has been affected by a brain tumor.  In fact, even if they do know about brain tumors, they may not know that there’s such a need for more funding or research. This walk is also about ...

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