

Dreamed of A Walk!

10 Years ago! Time flies!

It has been 10 years since I was getting ready to begin my walk from my house on Long Island, New York to Massachusetts General Hospital. I had planned over a year for that walk. I started thinking about it after my family and myself had finally moved to a house we had been waiting a long time ...

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To Stay in The Game, You Have To Stay In The Game

This has been quite the year…for us all. There have been so many things we’ve had to deal with in one way or another. There has been Covid19; at first, we were told back in late January that it wasn’t really a big deal, but that didn’t seem true. Then come late February it was definitely not TRUE, and by March we were all sitting in our houses, working from home…we were quarantined. There has been major unemployment, major illness, ...

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Changes! Keep on keepin’ on…

A lot can happen in a year…its been 1 year since our last Brain Matters Fall Fundraiser! It’s hard to believe. In some way it feels like it was just a few months since last year’s fundraiser and in another it definitely feels like it has been a whole year.

So much HAS happened this year! These are just some of those things. My youngest daughter graduated from college, my Mom turned 90 a couple of weeks ago and is movin’ and groovin’. My husband ...

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Happy Year!!!

happyroadIt’s been quite a while since I’ve blogged, but I have been quite busy writing, researching and becoming a certified Life Coach.  In just a couple of weeks I will launch Life Coaching Matters, which is about re-empowering those who have survived.

That feeling of being filled with power means a great deal to most of us…it may come ...

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DovetailNYC Flies

It’s the day after Brain Matters most recent fundraiser, the day of Cinco de Mayo.  Today is my daughter Rachel’s 17th birthday; to those of you who follow my personal Facebook page you may have already seen that posting.  She’s driving today, seems like only a few years ago, she was driving a different kind of vehicle. I’ve said it before, but it’s always worth repeating…so glad to be here.  Glad to be here to see my kids growing up, ...

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Life and the pursuit of happiness…what I want to do when I grow up

Are you a cancer survivor?  If you are, then you’ll get what I mean.

Public health experts seem to point out that overall rates of death from cancer haven’t budged, and that some cancers are of course a lot more survivable than others. Granted brain cancer isn’t one of those more survivable kinds of cancers, that’s why I keep doing what I can for that cause.  However, there’s light in this big dark tunnel.  More so than ever, a diagnosis of ...

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That 1st Anniversary Fundraising Thank you, plus video

Oh what a year to fundraise?  Every year for brain tumor awareness and the need for more research for the cause is a year to raise funds, but this year besides the other usual necessary needy causes out there in the world, the bar was also raised by the 2012 Election.  It’s always fun to incorporate some “perks” into a fundraiser, so I reached out to my friends and my “connections”, and they helped me incorporate some fun.  Thank you ...

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