

DovetailNYC Flies

It’s the day after Brain Matters most recent fundraiser, the day of Cinco de Mayo.  Today is my daughter Rachel’s 17th birthday; to those of you who follow my personal Facebook page you may have already seen that posting.  She’s driving today, seems like only a few years ago, she was driving a different kind of vehicle. I’ve said it before, but it’s always worth repeating…so glad to be here.  Glad to be here to see my kids growing up, glad to be here to help raise funds and awareness for this extremely important cause, glad to be Talkin’ the Talk.  Thank you to all those that donated to this fundraiser…to those that I’ll mention as promised and those that for whatever reason, wish not to have their “names in lights”.  Thank you to Rachel Griffin, Ed Lancevich, Barbara Pulis, and to our highest bidder/donator Lauren Marinelli, who donated $200.  Big hugs!

I’m attaching that picture of Rachel for those that might want to see the vehicle she used to drive 🙂  It’s all these moments that I do what I can for more research.

This is what she used to drive