

That 1st Anniversary Fundraising Thank you, plus video

Oh what a year to fundraise?  Every year for brain tumor awareness and the need for more research for the cause is a year to raise funds, but this year besides the other usual necessary needy causes out there in the world, the bar was also raised by the 2012 Election.  It’s always fun to incorporate some “perks” into a fundraiser, so I reached out to my friends and my “connections”, and they helped me incorporate some fun.  Thank you so much to those that helped me incorporate those perks.  Who doesn’t like a perk?  Some of these perks were set up as auctions. As many of you know, the best time to take advantage of this type of item is in the very last few days.  Well, here on the East Coast we were served Storm Sandy, complete with no power, no internet service, and in some cases no landlines.  This brought the fundraiser to an early finale.  A premature fundraiser closing was small in comparison to how much loss there was in my area.  I’m sure you’ve all read about it-perhaps even here on my blogs.  In the end we raised less than we had hoped, but we’ll be back.  I’ll be taking many of those same perks and auctioning them in the Spring on BiddingForGood.  I will send out an email when that happens. I’m thinking it will be around Valentines Day.  I also intend to include several other “got to have it” items.  So the work continues.  I want to thank all of you that donated.  You’re amazing!  I also posted my last life changing blog (the third of three) below as I promised I would. Sorry for crying…I suppose it indicates just how life changing it was.  If you wish to read it, it’s called “Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it”.

Please continue watching my vlogs, reading my blogs, connecting with brainmattersorg on Twitter, and continuing to spread the word about this important cause.

Here we go, (there is no special order here)…Thank you, Hilary Rovins, Robert Risko, Tom Ryan, Lisa Padovani, Ira Frehoff, Jamie Pillet, Jim Golden, Nike Beddow, Lynn Massey, Lauren Marinelli, Christine Maratea, James Cullem, Renne Gross, Dave Christman, Joe Grasso, Jennifer Duffett, Ed McCole, Casey Shane, Jean Roberts, Diane Leuci, Doreen Frumkin, Marty Weiss, Sonya Duff, Trudy Moylan, Jennifer Leibowitz, Cindy Knapp, Bravo, HBO and to the many others who donated but are too shy to be publicly acknowledged.