

An Amazing Indiegogo Thank-You

As of today I have walked three days and covered approximately 30 miles. I’m not actually walking today, this is what I call a “DOWN DAY”, a day I don’t walk.  It will be a day I do other things and I may walk some on these days, but I won’t walk multiple miles. This is the first day in a while I’ve had the time to extend the Thank-Yous to those that donated on the Indiegogo fundraising site that helped put me on this road.  You are all amazing!  Please continue to watch my video blogs that are posted under FILM on this website, as I make my way up to Mass General Hospital and please continue to spread the word.

Here we go, (there is no special order here)…Thank you, Kathleen Vincent, Lee Anne Timothy, Steve Fox, Renne Gross, Carolyn Jones, Susan Porter, James Garfinkel, Wayne Osnow, Marcia Moylan, Archie Ciotti, Jim Golden, David Bickett, Marty Weiss, Dorothy Mountain, Lesley Turner, Jill Diamond, Cindy Nelson Mullen, Rusty Ford, Joseph Grasso, Lisa Shevrin, Bryan Ackermann, RM Duff, Karen Lothrop, Trudy Moylan, Scott Whitney, Gabrielle Petrosino, Tyler Hardwick, Geoff Greenberg, Jeremy Levy, Gail Harris Martini, Ivette Cortes, Leslie Kampfer, Jean Roberts, Lisa Padovani, Joyce Bank, William Belle, Christine Maratea, Debra Markowitz, Susan Eastham, and Stacey Gray, and to the many others who donated but didn’t wish to be publicly identified.